Matrix Factorization
Problem description:
- Given the user’s rating history on items, we want to predict the rating of unseen (user, item) pairs.
- Implement matrix factorization to predict the missing value on the user-item matrix.
涼宮春日的憂鬱 | 4月是你的謊言 | 科學超電磁砲 | |
大木博士 | 5 | N/A | 4 |
小智 | N/A | 3 | N/A |
小茂 | 2 | N/A | 2 |
吸盤魔偶 | 4 | 2 | N/A |
Matrix Factorization
- \[R\approx \hat{R}=U\cdot V^T\]
where $R$ is a sparse matrix with $n$ users and $m$ movies
$U$: a $(n\times d)$ dimension matirx
$V^T$: a $(d\times m)$ dimension matrix
- Minimize loss function by gradient descent
- Bias term
Functions in Keras
: the user matrix and item matrix can be viewed as two embedding matrixkeras.layers.Flatten
: the output tensor shape of the embedding layer would be[batch_size,1,embedding_dim]
, you need this function to reshape the tensor to[batch_size,embedding_dim]
: if applied to two tensorsa
of shape(batch_size, n)
, the output will be a tensor of shape(batch_size, 1)
where each entryi
will be the dot product betweena[i]
: add all tensorskeras.layers.Concatenate
: concatenate two tensors
- Achieved 55/335 (Top $17\%$) rank in the Kaggle competition